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Timor-Leste: Government asks UN to establish independent special inquiry commission

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Nobel Peace Laureate Dr José Ramos-Horta, announced that the Government has requested the UN to establish an independent Special Inquiry Commission to review specific violent incidents and other related events or issues which contributed to the present crisis in Timor-Leste.
"The establishment of the facts and circumstances relevant to the incidents on 28-29 April, and 23, 24 and 25 May and other related events or issues is critical for Timor-Leste to overcome its present crisis, achieve reconciliation and for the upholding of the rule of law," Dr Ramos-Horta said.

Dr Ramos-Horta said it is critical that the Special Inquiry Commission be established as quickly as possible with a view to submitting a final report within a three month period of its inauguration.

"The reason we have asked the UN to establish this inquiry is because the state is not in a position to conduct such an inquiry and because of the parties involved in the current crisis, a domestic inquiry would formally lack credibility," he said.

Dr Ramos-Horta, said his Government is committed to ensuring that the outcome of such an inquiry will assist the reconstitution of Timor-Leste's security sector and ensure accountability for criminal violations and human rights violations allegedly committed during the crisis period.

"The Government considers the domestic justice system should be the primary avenue of accountability for any criminal violations and human rights violations allegedly deemed to have been committed by the Special Inquiry Commission," Dr Ramos-Horta said

"I'm confident that this would reestablish public confidence in Government and security institutions, and promote democratic governance," he said. - ENDS.

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Assessor de Imprensa/Media Advisor
Cabinet Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Tel: +670 729 7099