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Timor-Leste: Dr. Ramos-Horta: "All countries are satisfied with the agreed protocol"

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Minister for Defence, Dr. José Ramos-Horta, today held discussions with the Commanders and Ambassadors of the deploying forces and some of his Ministerial counterparts on the issue of cooperation command.

Dr. Ramos-Horta said that there has been a lot of discussion about the issue of the deployment of the GNR, the Portuguese elite police force.

"As a result of these discussions, I'm pleased to report that agreement was reached at the operational level on the cooperation command, and all countries are satisfied with the agreed protocol that came out of the discussions."

"The long term objective is to have GNR operate as tactical response within the international police force across the city," Dr Ramos-Horta said.

"As a first step, commencing immediately, the GNR can deploy to an exclusive operations zone agreed by the Government of Timor-Leste for the purpose of maintaining civil obedience and law and order.

"More importantly, while conducting operations in their exclusive zone, GNR and the international military forces will jointly develop procedures to enable the Portuguese elite police force to respond to requests outside of their exclusive zone," Minister Ramos-Horta said.

"I thank all the parties from the deploying forces - Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Portugal - for their goodwill and good sense in ensuring that the security of the Timorese is the paramount objective," the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, Dr Ramos-Horta, concluded. - ENDS

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Cabinet Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Tel: +670 729 7099