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Thailand + 2 more

Turkey Supports IOM Aid to Rohingya Migrants Detained in Southern Thailand

Thailand - IOM will to continue to help Rohingya migrants detained in southern Thailand over the next three months, following a new contribution of over USD 51,000 from the Government of Turkey.

The majority of Rohingya migrants in Thailand were detained en route from Myanmar’s North Rakhine state to Malaysia, where they hoped to find work.

Since May 2013, IOM and the Royal Thai Government have provided humanitarian support – health assistance, supplementary nutrition and hygiene items – in immigration detention centres and family shelters.

The number of Rohingya in the custody of the Thai authorities, assisted by IOM, reached a peak of over 2,000 a year ago, before declining by year end.

Following recent police raids on areas where people-smuggling takes place in the south of the country, a further 900 men, women and children are now being assisted by IOM and its partners, while the Thai government continues to explore viable solutions for them while they are under its care. The total now being assisted is just under 1,000.

“Our involvement is to improve the mental and physical health of migrants in detention centres and shelters and we are grateful to the Turkish government for this new support,” said Jeff Labovitz, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Thailand.

“As has been the case up to now, we will supply health assistance, supplementary nutrition, cleaning materials, and hygiene items to the affected groups, and ensure the care that these vulnerable migrants get is in accordance with international norms.”

For more information please contact

Jeff Labovitz IOM Bangkok Email: