AMOUNT: $301,769
OCT. 31, 2011
SITUATION: Heavy monsoon rains have been plaguing South East Asia since July and have severely affected one-third of Thailand's land mass. A total of 3.4 million acres of farmland -- a landmass 13 times the size of Hong Kong -- is submerged under water.
More than one-third of Thailand remains under water and more than 12.3 million of livestock have been seriously affected. Authorities say the death toll has exceeded 307, while at least three people are still missing. More than 2.4 million people, including 700,000 children, have so far been affected.
In addition to the loss of life, the flooding has exacted a heavy toll on homes, businesses and infrastructure. The floods have so far incurred losses of US $1 billion.
More than 2 million tons of un-milled rice have already been destroyed during the flooding, affecting the economy of one of the world's largest exporters of rice. Transport links to the main ports in Bangkok and Laem Chabang have also been badly disrupted.
CWS RESPONSE: CWS is responding as a member of the ACT Alliance --specifically ACT forum members in Thailand which include CWS, Diakonia, Dan Church Aid and Norwegian Church Aid. CWS is utilizing as its local implementing partner the Church of Christ in Thailand, known as CCT.
Initial efforts have included the work of CWS-supported members of CCT*s team conducting assessments. In addition, food distribution has been underway in Bangkok, as has been the distribution of food and non-food items in Ayutthaya and Chai Nat provinces for more than 1,200 households. Various small-scale feeding programs are also underway throughout the country.
Longer term, efforts are focused on providing immediate relief and recovery support to 22,400 flood affected households in Chiang Mai, Chainat, Uthaithani, Phatumthani, and Ayutthaya provinces.
++ Distribution of cooked food will benefit 18,800 households in Chainat, Ayutthaya, and Phatumthani provinces.
++ Survival packs will benefit 2,500 households in Uthaithani, Chainat, Ayutthaya and Bangkok provinces. These include rice, instant noodles, canned fish, milk powder for babies, crackers, drinking water, body soap, body powder, toothpaste, tissue and essential medicines for headaches and minor injuries.
++ 500 households will benefit from shelter assistance, and livelihood assistance will benefit 600 households in Uthaithani and Chainat provinces. This part of the response will assist at least 500 fishermen who have lost their fishing equipment. The support will enable them to resume fishing and fish raising again. About 150 housewives who had worked as daily food suppliers will also be supported in order to resume their cooking establishments.
BUDGET: $301,769, includes $290,666 for direct assistance, such as food and non-food relief items; rehabilitation items like fishing nets and reconstruction costs. Other costs are for transportation, staffing and monitoring.
HOW TO HELP: Contributions to support the CWS emergency appeal may be sent to your denomination or to Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN, 46515. Please designate: Thailand Flood Response 2011, Appeal Number #700-B.
Church World Service is a member of the ACT Alliance, a global coalition of churches and agencies engaged in development, humanitarian assistance and advocacy.
For further information about disasters to which Church World Service is responding please visit
CWS Emergency Response Program special contacts: (212) 870-3151
Program Director: