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Tajikistan + 1 more

WFP Tajikistan Country Brief, September 2024


In Numbers

431,019 people were assisted

751.4 mt of food was distributed

US$152,900 cash-based transfers made

Operational Updates

• WFP Representative and Country Director in Tajikistan Adham Musallam had bilateral discussions with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Tajikistan Jeon Sung Sik. This year, WFP received US$10 million from the Republic of Korea, which will support activities to improve sustainable agriculture in Tajikistan.

• WFP provided support to the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence (CoES) under the Government of Tajikistan in conducting their inter-agency simulation exercise (SIMEX) for government agencies, members of the Rapid Emergency Assessment and Coordination Team (REACT). The SIMEX was aimed at testing the preparedness of the Government of Tajikistan and humanitarian partners to respond to potential emergency situations. The exercise was made possible due to the financial support from the WFPled Global Logistics Cluster.

• WFP received confirmation on the in-kind donation of 2.5 mt of premix for nutrition supplementation from DSM – Firmenich. The in-kind donation will enable fortification of 12,500 mt of wheat flour for 150,000 people in areas with high rate of malnutrition. To ensure sustainability and greater engagement from the Government, the Agency on State Material Reserves and the Government’s flour mills that are part of the strategic grain reserve will be WFP’s main partner for the fortification of wheat flour. The mills were established to provide wheat flour during an emergency to stabilize the market price. This donation will boost the implementation of the wheat flour fortification law.

• Under WFP’s cash-based transfer initiative, schools purchase food commodities from local farmers. Within the framework of home-grown school feeding, women’s production groups harvested 440 kg of green vegetables, carrots and potatoes and sold to schools in Bobojon Ghafurov and Spitamen districts at lower prices in comparison with the market. Under incomegenerating activities, 694 kgs of various green vegetables, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini, sweet pepper, and beetroot, were harvested from school greenhouses in 43 schools in Sughd Region.

• WFP resumed its school feeding programme on September 2, following the resumption of schools for the new academic year 2024-25. During the reporting period, WFP provided 749,511 mt of food to 1,866 schools. This distribution covered 16 feeding days for 422,660 school children. In addition, WFP completed renovation and construction of school canteens in 55 schools.