In Numbers
578,071 people were assisted
3,105.7 mt of food was distributed
US$133,678 cash-based transfers made
Operational Updates
School Feeding Programme
• Within the framework of the National Inter-Ministerial Coordination Council (IMCC), representatives from the World Food Programme (WFP) and relevant ministries, visited Sughd and Khatlon regions to observe the implementation of the school feeding programme. The team visited targeted schools, where they interacted with students, teachers, and school administration and observed the process of preparing meals, distribution, and the conditions of the canteens. National IMCC members also participated in the regional Inter-sectorial Coordination Council meeting on school feeding and discussed the implementation of the State Programme on Sustainable Development of School Feeding in Tajikistan for the period of 2022-2027.
• WFP published its School Facilities Assessment Report, which was conducted in late 2022 in targeted schools.
The outcome of the assessment analyses infrastructure and facilities in schools supported by WFP and will help national partners in future planning with respect to their commitments. The report was widely shared with national and regional partners.
Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Building
• In October, WFP completed the construction of six drinking water supply systems in project districts.
Simultaneously, an additional nine systems are in the final stages of completion in Khovaling, Muminobod,
Faizobod, Nurobod, Rasht, Tojikobod, and Lakhsh districts. Nine more drinking water systems in the GBAO region finalized their design phase and initiated construction or rehabilitation work. WFP completed the rehabilitation and cleaning of 100 km of irrigation canals, significantly enhancing access to water for smallholder farmers.