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Tajikistan + 1 more

WFP Tajikistan Country Brief, December 2024


In Numbers

782.7 mt of food distributed

US$50,850 cash-based transfers made

US$4.4 million six-month net funding requirements (Jan-Jun 2025)

424,616 people were assisted

Operational Updates

• WFP and representatives from the Government of Tajikistan joined over 400 participants from 80 countries at the 2024 Global Child Nutrition Forum, which took place in Osaka, Japan from December 9– 12, bringing together representatives from governments, NGOs, UN agencies, and the private sector. The Tajikistan School Feeding Programme was presented, showcasing the country’s efforts and progress. The interactions focused on reviewing current programmes, exploring opportunities for future collaboration, and strengthening partnerships to enhance the impact and sustainability of Tajikistan’s school feeding initiatives. The knowledge and experience gained during the forum will play a crucial role in improving and scaling the country’s school feeding programme, contributing to better nutrition and educational outcomes for children in Tajikistan.

• WFP, in collaboration with local authorities conducted a contest for the best school garden in the country. The contest was open to all schools participating in WFP’s school feeding programme’s income-generating activities, where WFP provided continuous technical guidance. The participating schools shared photos and videos showcasing their work on their greenhouses and gardens, ensuring transparency, and fostering motivation among participants. The winners from four schools were awarded with cash prizes and certificates.