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WFP Tajikistan Country Brief, August 2020


In Numbers

  • 3,704 people assisted in August 2020

  • 4.894 mt of food assistance distributed

  • US$ 23,381 cash-based transfers made

Operational Updates

  • Following the decision of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on COVID-19, all schools and universities of the country started the academic year on 17 August 2020. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan issued procedures and general recommendations on preparing educational institutions for the beginning of the academic year, as well as on organizing educational processes with consideration of the epidemiological situation in the country.

  • With the re-opening of schools after early summer vacation due to COVID-19, WFP started the implementation of Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) nimble trials in pilot schools of Jaloliddini Balkhi District in Khatlon Region. The nimble trials focus on Water,
    Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) issues to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and improve the handwashing behaviours of schoolchildren. This activity focuses on primary schools to create good hand washing and hygiene habits from early school years. A baseline data collection was conducted prior to the implementation of this intervention.
    WFP plans to expand this in all schools of targeted districts

  • WFP is implementing a cash-for-work programme to support vulnerable households in four districts of GBAO (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region) to cope with the socio-economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, primarily due to increasing food costs and reducing remittances from labour migrants. WFP and its cooperating partners are involving target households in public works, making sure that COVID-19 preventive measures are applied. The initiative is expected to assist 15,000 beneficiaries. During August, around 2,300 beneficiaries were assisted under cash-forwork intervention.