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Tajikistan Preparedness - Quarterly Update, April - June 2023



• In June, the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of Tajikistan (CoES) led a National Logistics Preparedness Working Group (NLPWG) Meeting to discuss key updates on logistics preparedness implementation by the NLPWG members, finalise the draft National Logistics Preparedness Action Plan, and socialise the STOCK of Humanitarian Organisations Logistics Mapping (STOCKHOLM) platform for prepositioned stock mapping and analysis. Some of the NLPWG members have been piloting the registry of their stock prepositioning data to set up a version dedicated to Tajikistan.

• In May, the Preparedness Officer worked with CoES as the NLPWG lead agency and the World Food Programme (WFP) to develop advocacy materials, including the NLPWG factsheet, to support policy and resources advocacy for further implementation of the National Logistics Preparedness Action Plan and prepare for the handover of the logistics preparedness activities to CoES in September 2023.