Compared to the last week, the average prices of most monitored food commodities remained stable in the majority of markets in the current reporting period. An increase in rice price was reported in 6 markets in the range of 1-9% while it remained the same in 9 other markets. Milk and egg prices also increased in 3-4 markets compared to the last week.
Compared to the last week, the average prices of potatoes, onions, carrots and cabbage decreased in the range of 2-6% due to the ongoing harvest.
Compared to average retail prices of July 2022, prices of most food commodities remained stable. Prices of potatoes and onions decreased compared to the last month by 19% and 35%, but carrots and cabbage prices increased by 4% and 9% respectively.
Prices of petrol and diesel have remained stable this reporting period compared to the last few weeks.
The skilled and unskilled wage labour rates have remained stable this reporting period compared to the last few weeks.