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Tajikistan: Food Security Bulletin No.9 - May 2010


The Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) provides a seasonal snapshot of food insecurity in rural Tajikistan by analyzing data from 665 households and 475 key informants every quarter. The FSMS can signal incidents of critical food insecurity and nutrition.
This round focuses on the period from November 2010 to April 2010 coinciding with the winter seasons.

Overview of household food security between November 2010 and April 2011

• OVERALL FOOD SECURITY SITUATION IS SIMILAR to three months ago with around 28% of the households interviewed being food insecure. The situation is particularly serious for households not cultivating crops and living in remote areas of the Rasht and Zarafshan Valleys.

• THE NEW STAPLE FOOD PRICES CRISIS represents the main threat to households’ food security. The cost of the minimum food basket is at its highest: TJS 130/USD 28 per person per month compared to TJS 110/USD 24 only three months ago.

• HIGH FUEL PRICES drive food and non-food prices’ inflation much higher than expected pushing more households into poverty and food insecurity

• ACUTE MALNUTRITION MIGHT BE RISING TO ALARMING LEVELS as dietary diversity and frequency of meals is compromised by high prices. There are no signs of improvement in the short and medium term if assistance is not provided.