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Tajikistan: Floods and mudslides DREF operation n° MDRTJ010 Final report


Summary: CHF 184,879 (USD 167,613 or EUR 129,833) was allocated from the International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 12 May to support the National Society in delivering immediate assistance to some 200 families (1,200 people) and to replenish emergency stocks.

As a result of heavy rainfall on 7 May 2010, floods and mudslides hit the southern part of Tajikistan affecting 10 districts of the country (Vose, Muminabad, Temurmalik, Baljuvon and Shurabad districts and Kulyab town of Kulyab region, as well as Nurek, J. Rumi, Yovon and Jilikul districts of Kurgan-tube region).

According to the assessment conducted by the Committee of Emergency Situations (CoES), Rapid Emergency Assessment and Coordination Team (REACT) partners and the Tajikistan Red Crescent regional branches, the number of houses affected by the disaster in Khatlon province is 1,068 houses (or 6,408 people), out of which 388 houses were totally destroyed and 680 houses damaged and uninhabitable.

The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) assisted 200 households (1200 people) through the distribution of basic non-food items to help people to cope with the consequences of the disaster. Also the 50 most affected households were provided with temporary shelter and 20 tents were distributed with the support of German Red Cross. In addition, construction tools have been distributed to support the reconstruction of the affected houses. Some 200 families have received hygiene kits, water cans and purification tablets. Information about the activities of the National Society was shared through the mass media and local newspapers.

The European Commission's Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the Netherlands Red Cross through its Silent Emergency Fund contributed CHF 113,918 and CHF 21,537 respectively in replenishment of the allocation made for this operation. Also Australian Red Cross contributed with CHF 48,881 to the fulfilment of the operation. Details of all donors can be found on