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Responding to winter crisis in Tajikistan

Responding to winter crisis in Tajikistan

The onset of severe winter conditions resulted in many communities across Tajikistan losing their electricity supply. FOCUS, with the support of the German Embassy in Tajikistan and in collaboration with the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence, provided relief to families in Qumsangir in the province of Khatlon, southern Tajikistan in early March 2008.

Stocks of heating materials and high nutrition food items were provided to more than one hundred families, many of whom are still in a process of rehabilitation since the devastating earthquakes of winter 2006. Almost a thousand homes were completely destroyed and 1,440 were partially damaged. A large number of these homes have not yet been reconstructed, consequently, many families are living in conditions of extreme cold with limited food.

This relief effort was coordinated in conjunction with a wider relief operation being implemented throughout Tajikistan, by other aid agencies to support communities affected by the winter crisis.

A further collaborative effort, a collaborative effort between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and FOCUS also enabled the provision of relief to over 40 Afghan families living in the suburbs of Dushanbe, Vahdat and Kurgan-teppa, who were affected by the severe winter and ongoing electricity shortages.

Also in April, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and in coordination with the World Food Programme, World Health Organization as well as the Committee of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health, FOCUS provided relief to families, schools and health facilities in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) affected by ongoing severe snowfall and avalanches. Relief items included tarpaulins, heating materials, blankets and high nutrition food items to more than 60 families and 10 school and health facilities.