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REACT Situation report No.3 Earthquake in Vanj District, GBAO Province, Tajikistan


Situation overview

Tremors continue to create more panic amongst the population in Vanj district. Due to this, affected population refuse to spend nights in their houses. According to information provided by team of seismologists currently located in Vanj, in average around 1 - 2 tremors, with intensity of 1 to 3 happen every day. The most tangible tremor in recent days occurred on January 6, 2010 with intensity of 3-4, close to the same epicenter of the earthquake which hit the district on 2nd of January. The tremor caused another rock-fall and blocked 3 km of road on 481stkm of Dushanbe-Khorog road. The roads are being cleaned everyday by road services, however the risk of rock fall is still high and the stretch of the road between Jamoat Vanj and Jamoat Yazgulom is hazardous.

Damage and needs assessment is still on-going. The number of the fully destroyed houses remains the same: ~140 houses with 980 residents, while the number of partially damaged houses has increased to 958 homes with 6706 residents (vs previously reported 921 houses).

Today, January 7, 2010 most of the relief items released by different REACT partners have reached Vanj district. It is expected that distribution of the items, including tents will start tomorrow, January 8, 2010. It was proposed to establish a tent-camp for relocation of the families left without shelter, however population refused and requested to install tents in the yards of their houses.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Tajikistan is calling a meeting on January 8 where the Government is expected to give an update on current situation and present outstanding needs of the affected population.