GLIDE Number: FL-2010-000087-TJK
Situation Report ? 16 - 6 August 2010
Past reports and additional information can be found at
Executive Summary
- 10 completed and furnished new houses located in land plot number five were officially opened on July 29th, 2010.
- 445 families residing in the new settlement area received monthly hygiene kits.
- 1200 additional land plots are being considered for distribution in Kulyab city.
- The government received more flour and is currently finishing the food distribution to the last plot (plot five).
- Oxfam has installed an additional ten durable, mobile latrines to be used by women only.
- 20 sets of fire extinguisher stands have been set up around the new settlement area.
- The water system in Ziraki village of Kulyab district and Ghofilobod village of Voce has been rehabilitated by Oxfam GB benefiting more then 4000 residents.
- Destroyed school # 44, in Jamoat Dahana, Kulyab district will be reconstructed by UNICEF.