Dushanbe, 19 May 2010
Rapid Emergency Assessment and Coordination Team
REACT Tajikistan
The spring of 2010 is characterized by unusual heavy precipitation, triggering floods, landslides and mudflows in many of the country's districts. Local communities and authorities, supported by the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense and one or two REACT partners, were so far able to respond to the small-scale disasters and support the victims with relief assistance.
When torrential rains hit East Khatlon on 7 May, a flash flood destroyed the houses and belongings of 4,500 people in Kulyab town, killing at least 40 people. In the surrounding rural areas 16,000 people were directly affected by the disaster: some had their houses destroyed, others lost their livelihoods when their crops and agricultural land were buried under mud and rocks or their livestock were killed. Some 70,000 people were affected in their access to safe drinking water. Social and other infrastructure was severely damaged.
Government responded rapidly to the emergency with search and rescue operations and evacuation of affected families. Within a week two tent camps were erected in Kulyab town to house 4,500 people displaced by the floods. Medical care was provided to 300 injured people. Heavy machinery has been made available to help cleaning of mud, rocks and rubble in the affected areas and to repair or reinforce river banks. The government has further allocated land for resettlement of the affected families and is in the process of finalizing a master plan for the new site. The private sector and individuals made generous donations. In addition, REACT partners distributed relief items and helped install safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in the camps.
On 12 May 2010 the government requested international assistance. This appeal is in response to this request and addresses the priority outstanding humanitarian needs. The objectives of the appeal include:
- To meet the basic survival and livelihood needs of 650 families, 4,500 people, residing in 2 tent camps in Kulyab town, with a focus on the most vulnerable among them
- To help 16,000 most vulnerable people in the surrounding rural areas restore their livelihoods, including the 418 families, 3,000 people, whose houses have been destroyed or damaged
- To ensure preparedness for further spring floods by guaranteeing a REACT immediate response capacity for 1,500 families or 10,000 people
The Government of Tajikistan takes the lead in the humanitarian response. The projects in this appeal are designed to complement the Government's efforts, not to duplicate them. Therefore, implementing agencies will continue to consult with key stakeholders and affected families to ensure that interventions meet the changing needs of families and are complimentary to government plans and strategies.
The projects in the Appeal correspond to the identified needs and are possible to implement within the 6 months time frame of the appeal if timely funding is secured. The appeal is designed to complement the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and the Joint Country Support Strategy (JCSS), which are the main tools for longer-term donor support. It is anticipated that needs beyond six months, such as longer-term support to infrastructural restoration and recovery are covered under these strategies.
The appeal seeks to mobilize US$ 5,346,046 and includes 26 project proposals from REACT partner organizations to be implemented by November 2010.