On 12-13 April 2014, due to heavy rains and hailstorm, flash floods and mudslides hit six districts of south east Khatlon Province of Tajikistan. According to the Situation Assessment reports, fifteen people were killed due to being trapped under their houses, while one more person died in the hospital as a result of injury during the disaster. Additionally 37 people have been injured during the two days after the event. The heavy rains have also caused significant damage to households and local infrastructure. More than 487 households were affected; including 16 had their houses completely destroyed. The livelihoods of the affected population were also significantly damaged. The mudslide killed more than 1,000 heads of cattle on its way.
For more details, please follow the below link: http://untj.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=644&catid=95.
Immediately after the disaster, the State Commission for Emergency Situations has quickly conducted rapid assessment of the affected areas. UNDP, as REACT Secretariat deployed REACT’s Rapid Response Team to complement on-going assessment process. Initial results of the assessment indicated scarcity of non-food items of the affected population, especially in Shuroobod district – the district which was affected most. Local population, whose households were damaged, had to be relocated to temporary shelter in tent camp. In response, the Government and the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan are providing continued assistance such as food and non-food items to the affected and displaced population. However, the affected people also suffered from lack of basic needs such as cooking utensils and hygiene items. To address this issue, UNDP, through the official request of the local authorities and upon authorization of the UN Resident Coordinator, released non-food items from UN Emergency Reserve Stock. The items (mattresses, pillows, blankets and bedclothes, cooking utensils, hygiene sets, rubber boots and candles) were distributed to the affected population on 26 April 2014 in total covering 420 affected people.
The assistance was primarily aimed at addressing the immediate needs of the affected population. At the same time it substantively contributed to ongoing relief and response interventions. As Mr. Ruzimadov Abdulmajid, the Camp Leader said: “Timely and targeted assistance addressing immediate needs of the disaster victims, results in confidence which people need to recover. There is a long way to go before the full recovery. But it is the demonstrated solidarity of the Government and international community which will serve as an impetus for accelerated recovery process”.
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