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Tajikistan + 7 more

Humanitarian Bulletin Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine, Issue 05 | 1 January – 31 December 2015 [EN/RU]



  • Earthquakes hit Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan ahead of winter.

  • Heavy weaponry is used for the first time since the 1994 ceasefire in Nagorno- Karabakh.

  • Over 10,000 people affected and 19 people killed in natural disasters in Georgia.

  • Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are close to agree on border demarcation.

  • Frost caused severe damage to agricultural lands and fruit trees in Tajikistan leaving some 225,000 people without main source of income.

  • The first ever comprehensive Disaster Law on CIS territory is under development.

  • Several floods and mudflows hit 12 districts in Tajikistan affecting over 10,000 people during May-July 2015.

WHS consultations take place in Dushanbe

South & Central Asia round concludes cycle of regional consultations

In preparation for the first ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) to be held in Istanbul, Turkey in May 2016, OCHA Regional Office for Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine co- organized the final regional consultations in July 2015 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It was the last of eight rounds of regional consultations and attracted a wide range of stakeholders - national governments, humanitarian organizations, affected communities, private sector, media, youth, academia and other partners from16 countries in South and Central Asia.

The agenda included sessions on the centrality of affected communities; humanitarian action in natural disasters and conflicts; humanitarian financing and principles; as well as various stakeholder breakout sessions.

The discussions emphasized the leadership of United Nations Member States in working together with other stakeholders, and focused on:

  • Putting crisis-affected people at the center of humanitarian action;
  • Context-specific and appropriate localization of preparedness and response;
  • Development of clearly-articulated frameworks for planning, funding and delivery of humanitarian assistance in different contexts, specifically (i) disaster, (ii) conflict and (iii) protracted crisis2.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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