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Flash Floods and Mudslide in Kulyab Zone Khatlon Province, Tajikistan Situation Report № 4


Situation Overview

Following the release of Situation report #3 dated April 17, 2014, no major additional damage or casualties have been observed. The local branches of the CoES, the Ministry of Interior, and other relevant authorities are being mobilized to conduct evacuation and debris cleaning activities. The local authorities have evacuated affected people to safer places and their relatives’ houses in other villages. The Government is considering relocating the affected families inhabiting in severely affected areas to safer locations in the nearby districts of Khatlon province.

REACT meeting was conducted on 21 April 2014 to discuss interventions to support the Government in relief, transition and recovery processes. Sector level meetings were agreed to be conducted to identify the need to conduct in-depth sector level assessment of the situation and proceed with supporting the sectoral level interventions for the affected population.