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COVID-19: Tajikistan Situation Report #17, 8 October 2020


This report is produced by the Office of UN Resident Coordinator and OCHA HAT in collaboration with international partners. It covers the period of 8 September – 7 October 2020. The next report will be issued on or around November 8, 2020.

Tajikistan situation overview

  • As of 7 October 2020, the number of cumulative cases has increased to a total of 10055. During the reporting period, 8 new deaths attributed to COVID-19 were reported, bringing the total number to 78. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSP) reports that 8876 (88,2%) of infected people have recovered. Cases are being reported from all the regions of the country.

  • The crude cumulative incidence rate is 107,0 per 100.000 population and 8.4 deaths per 1 000 000 population. The 30-day infection cases average is 40.7, an 11% increase compared to the previous month’s period (36.4). The effective reproduction number Rt is constant since late May and is estimated to be slightly below 1.

  • No changes have been introduced to existing public health measures, which are limited to compulsory “mask regime” and social distancing in public places, as well as a ban for mass gatherings. Nonetheless, the introduced measures are not heavily enforced and are rarely observed by the public. However, the bans for mass prayers in mosques and limitations of the wedding ceremonies to 30 – 40 people is obeyed properly.

  • Presidential elections in the country will be held on October 11, 2020. Responsible authorities report that voting process will be organized with consideration of public health measures, including scanning of body temperature at the entrance and ensuring social distancing inside the premises. All the polling stations will be equipped with necessary protective supplies, such as surgical masks and disinfectants.

  • The 2020 Population and Housing Census is being conducted in Tajikistan during October 1 – 15, 2020. Census personnel, especially enumerators interacting with population, have been provided with Personal Protective Equipment to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Set of other online and remote solutions have been introduced to the census process aiming to reduction of face to face events.

  • Airports in Tajikistan remain formally closed for regular flights, except for Dushanbe International. Railway routes remain open for cargo. Repatriation charter flights take place irregularly, and Dushanbe International Airport serves regular flights on the route Dubai-Dushanbe-Dubai. The Civil Aviation Agency under the Government of Tajikistan announced that regular flights to Istanbul, Turkey and Urumqi, China from Dushanbe International Airport will resume as of early October 2020. Meanwhile, WFP Global Passenger Service announced the cancellation of their Sharjah-Dushanbe-Sharjah passenger flights as of October 12, 2020.

  • The border crossing points with neighboring countries remain closed for civilians and open for cargo import/export.

  • Markets have been fully operational and staple food commodities have been available in all monitored food markets during the reporting period. The latest Tajikistan Market Situation Update covering the period of 14-29 September 2020 can be found in Annex 1.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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