• Between the 31st of December 2023 and the 24 th of February 2024, epi weeks 1-8, 3,907,637 consultations have been reported to both Early Warning, Alert, and Response System and Network (EWARS & EWARN), including 790,874 (20.23%) notifiable diseases.
• A total of 2,006 sentinel surveillance sites reported to both EWARS and EWARN with a combined average of 89% completeness and 85.7% timeliness.
• A total of 246 alerts were raised to both EWARS (181) and EWARN (65); 180 alerts were identified and were all verified within 72 hours; 4 acute events were identified: an Acute Jaundice Syndrome (AJS) in Qamishli, Al Hasakeh, a Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) in Harim, Idlib governorate, measles in Homs and Hama, and gastroenteritis/Waterborne Disease (WBD) in Hama.
• The leading causes of morbidity of all notifiable communicable diseases among all age groups were Influenza Like Illness (ILI) 637,273 (86%), Acute Diarrhea (AD) 48,842 (7%), and Acute Jaundice Syndrome (AJS) 13,238 cases (2%).