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WHO Syria: Monthly Situation Report (July 2022)



  • As of the week of 29, the EWARS system reported 1 486 cases of meningitis in NES.
    However, the number of weekly cases decreased by the end of July, where PCR testing indicated that 7 out of 16 CSF samples were positive for enterovirus.

  • 2 212 health staff trained in different intervention areas through 74 capacitybuilding activities.

  • Dispatched more than 78 tonnes of medical and lab supplies and printing materials to 23 MoH facilities, five MoHE central warehouse, 14 INGOs, three NGOs, NGPHC, UNRWA and UN Clinic in nine governorates. The shipment will provide 402 902 treatments and 2 160 trauma cases.

Health Operational Update

Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Response

  • A total of 445 658 consultations were recorded in all 14 Syrian governorates between weeks 27 and 29, of which 64 063 were EWARS prioritized conditions.

  • The leading causes of morbidity among all age groups were Influenza Like Illness 28 223 (44.05%) and Acute Diarrhea 25 027 (39.06%).

  • 1477 Sentinel sites are reporting weekly with 80% completeness.

  • %83 of alerts responded within 72 hours.

  • 132 suspected measles cases in 7 governorates, most of the cases were in Ar-Raqqa 62.1% (n=82), and Aleppo 15.1% (n=20). There was also an increase of confirmed measles cases during July with 25 new laboratory-confirmed cases distributed as follows: Aleppo (12), Raqqa (6), Damascus (3), Homs (3), and one case in Al-Hassakeh.

  • Ongoing active case finding of suspected cases by EWARS focal points.