Five years of violent conflict inside Syria has resulted in one of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis since World War II. According to the 2016 Humanitarian Needs Overview, 13.5 million Syrians are in need of various forms of humanitarian assistance inside the country.
This includes 6.3 million Syrians who are acutely food insecure and require life-saving food assistance, while an additional 2.3 million Syrians are marginally food insecure and require targeted interventions to protect their livelihoods and strengthen resilience to withstand further shocks.
In response to a progressive escalation of humanitarian needs and a deteriorating food security situation, WFP gradually scaled up its food assistance programme to target up to 4.2 million people across the country in 2015, up from 50,000 people in 2011. In addition, WFP has progressively introduced activities to address the specific nutrition needs of vulnerable people, such as children and pregnant and nursing women, through a fortified school snack programme as well as specific nutrition programmes. In parallel, to protect and restore livelihood and food security for conflict affected Syrians and to build long-term resilience, WFP is introducing livelihood and resilience interventions in early 2016.