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UNHCR Syria Update Issue 5, 19 March – 1 April 2013


Remaining active against all odds

Security in Syria overall continued to deteriorate substantially during this period, notably in Damascus City with many mortar attacks in populated areas. The area of habitation for the UN Country Team experienced much of this, leading to a reduction in international staff by 50% and relocation of accommodations. UNHCR’s staff in Hassakeh also commenced relocating to Qamishli to the north. Staff in UNHCR Aleppo reported that they were well and working despite the ongoing security challenges there and field staff in Homs managed to move out of the way of major clashes in Al Waer neighborhood to operate from a hotel in another part of Homs. Overall, against all odds, UNHCR remained in Syria to continue to provide essential life-saving humanitarian assistance to people in need in close coordination with many partners.