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Syrian Arab Republic: Whole of Syria Shelter/NFI Sector Winter Assistance (September 2019)


With the crisis in its eighth year, the scale, severity, and complexity of needs across Syria remain deep and far-reaching. Over half of the country’s population have fled their homes: 5.5 million people have sought refuge in the region and beyond and 6.1 million people are internally displaced.
According to the 2019, HNO 11.7 million people remain in need of humanitarian assistance; an estimated 5 million people face acute humanitarian needs.

NFI and Shelter assistance continues to be essential and life-saving, particularly for those newly displaced or forced to relocate. While market access appears to be gradually improving and NFIs are available, many life-sustaining, basic items continue to be unaffordable for people, including fuel.
NFIs and shelter become increasingly important during the cold weather months to ensure families can live in safety and dignity.

The Shelter/NFI sector estimates that nearly 3 million people/ 600,000 families are in need of assistance this winter. Sector partners will provide basic NFIs including high-thermal blankets, mattresses and winter clothing kits for both children and adults. While shelter assistance will focus on replacing damaged or worn out tents in camps or providing basic weatherization items like plastic sheeting. As of mid-October, partners estimated that USD 107 million will be needed to cover the needs of 3 million people across Syria; currently there is a nearly USD 29 million gap however the situation is dramatically changing given the situation in the Northeast. The winter snapshot will be updated as needs are assessed in NES.