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Syria + 1 more

Syrian Arab Republic - Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) Coordinated Response Flash Update #9 - Earthquake (As of 14 February 2023)



4M Affected Population

2M Severely Affected

1,414 Deaths

2,349 Injuries

12,130 Palestine Refugees

  • The UN and humanitarian partners today launched a Flash Appeal calling for $397.6 million of emergency assistance to provide relief to 4.9 million people in most acute need following the earthquakes. Read more here:

  • The United Nations Secretary General welcomed the opening of the additional two crossing points of Bab AlSalam and Al Ra’ee from Türkiye to north-west Syria for an initial period of three months to allow for the timely delivery of humanitarian aid.

  • Humanitarian efforts are being rapidly scaled up and more inter-sectoral assessments planned to identify priority needs and areas.

  • WFP has been distributing a comprehensive package of ready to eat meals, complemented with LNS-MQ and fortified date bars to displaced families across Aleppo,
    Hama, Latakia and Idleb. The response package is designed to ensure key nutritional requirements of the entire family, including children under two years old, are met.

  • UNICEF supported provision of micronutrient supplements to the affected areas and will cover 113,000 children 6-59 months-old and 1,000 pregnant and lactating women for three months.

  • Schools in most governorates re-opened on 13 February except for affected governorates, where the decision was handed to heads of directorates of education to decide to open the unaffected schools as appropriate


The United Nations Secretary-General welcomed the opening of the additional two crossing points of Bab Al-Salam and Al Ra’ee from Türkiye to north-west Syria for an initial period of three months to allow for the timely delivery of humanitarian aid. Opening these crossing points -- along with facilitating humanitarian access, accelerating visa approvals and easing travel between hubs -- will allow more aid to go in, faster.

The total number of collapsed buildings in Tartous, Lattakia and Aleppo reached 159. The estimated damaged houses in Homs and Hama is 4,705 but the number of damaged houses and the actual number of displaced people is still to be confirmed. In Lattakia and Tartous, more than 1,500 buildings are under infrastructural assessments. The Governorate has evacuated over 236 buildings inhabited by around 200,000 persons as per initial estimations.

There is significant displacement, but not all movements are to shelters, some people go to families or to hotels. The number of people staying in collective shelters now in Tartous and Lattakia is around 30,000 (around 6,000 households). Fifty-eight families from Lattakia and another 160 families from Aleppo settled in Tartous governorate.

There are three shelters in Hama city and four in the Sqelbiya district that are receiving families whose houses are at risk. Four hundred twenty-nine internally displaced persons (IDPs) (140 families) arrived at Homs. Of those, 272 people (101 families) are from Aleppo, 129 (32 families) from Lattakia, and 28 people (7 families) from Hama. There are also 28 people (7 families) hosted in the Mahmoud Othman shelter in Al-Qusour neighbourhood in Homs city, and another 401 people (133 families) in rural Homs, either by their relatives or in rented houses.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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