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Syrian Arab Republic: EWARS Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin 2023 Week 20 (15 - 21 May 2023)



• A total of 226,636 consultations were recorded in all the 14 governorates

• The leading causes of morbidity among all age groups were Influenza Like Illness 20,000 (52.6%) and Acute Diarrhea 12,016 (31.6%).

• A total of 19 AWD cases were reported during this week, and the total number of AWD cases reported since the start of the outbreak is 10,546

• MoH reported 38 confirmed cases of COVID-19,the cumulative number of COVID-19 confirmed cases is 57,638 since the start of pandemic.

• 3 AFP cases reported in Hama (2) Rural Damascus (1).

• 268 suspected measles cases in Ar-Raqqa (115) Al-Hasakeh (108) Aleppo (12) Deir-ez-Zor (9) Idleb (6) Rural Damascus (4) Lattakia (4) Damascus (3) Hama (3) Homs (2) Daraa (1) Quneitra (1)