These critical funding gaps are presented for donor consideration ahead of the 10 May Senior Officials Meeting (SOM). To be able to implement the revised Humanitarian Response Plan in full, funding of $5.4 billion will be required – to address the immediate humanitarian needs of 14.2 million vulnerable people targeted, from 15.3 million assessed to be in need. This product describes some of the key components of the response, for which funding simply cannot wait – presented in both quantitative and qualitative form. It highlights critical gaps that need to be funded immediately, to allow the response to be sustained from May to October 2023. This is to be read in complement to the revised draft Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The Syria earthquake Flash Appeal issued on 14 February, and which requested $397.7 million for 3 months, has been reconciled in the revised HRP.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.