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Syrian Arab Republic: Critical funding gaps (As of 14 November 2019) [EN/AR]



Almost nine years into the crisis, Syria remains one of the largest and most complex humanitarian crises in the world. An estimated 11.06 million people remain in need of assistance, 4.65 million of whom are in acute need. Hostilities, insecurity and other protection concerns continue to be the key drivers of the crisis, leading to large-scale displacement and needs, particularly in the north-west and north-east of the country. 6.1 million people remain internally displaced and over 1.25 million population movements were reported in the first nine months of 2019. There has been extensive damage or destruction of basic service infrastructure, such as schools, safe and affordable water supply systems, and health facilities. Close to nine years of crisis have eroded affected people’s coping mechanisms, leading to widespread poverty, with more than 80 per cent of the population living under the poverty line.

Continued hostilities in parts of the north-east and north-west compound an already dire humanitarian situation. Of the three million people in the north-east, 1.8 million were already in need of some form of humanitarian assistance even before recent developments; about 710,000 were displaced. As of 12 November, 74,400 people remain displaced. Thousands have also been exposed to protection risks including unexploded ordinances, and restrictions on freedom of movement.

In the north-west, an estimated two million people are internally displaced. While violence subsided following the 31 August ceasefire announcement, populations remain exposed to hostilities and the impact of occasional shelling and airstrikes. Between 1 May and 30 September, more than 400,000 people fled their homes, mostly to already densely populated communities, IDP camps, while some have had to live in open.

The emergencies in the north-east and north-west have necessitated re-programming and diversion of resources to increase humanitarian response and ensure continuity of assistance. Partners report gaps and shortages of commodities while available funding is being depleted in order to respond to increased needs. In other parts of Syria, humanitarian needs remain extensive including in under-served communities in the south of the country, Aleppo, Homs, Hama and Rural Damascus.

As of 14 November, 52 per cent or US$ 1.73 billion of the $3.29 billion required under the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) was funded according to the Financial Tracking Service (FTS).

This critical funding gaps analysis product aims to provide greater insight on gaps based on current resource allocation by sectors, as well as a status update of commodity pipelines from selected UN agencies. The identification of critical funding gaps does not lessen the need for full funding of the HRP requirements, nor do the identification of specific gaps devalue the importance of unearmarked funding.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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