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Syria: Youth focus on education as path toward future

Salesian centers provide education and support

(MissionNewswire) Salesian centers in Syria* are providing youth a safe haven and a place where they can continue to cultivate their dreams and their faith through education and support. Salesian centers are located in Aleppo, Damascus and Kafroun.

A Salesian said, “In a country devastated by years of war, young Syrians stand as symbols of resilience and hope. Despite the countless difficulties that surround them, they show a surprising skill and intelligence and an ability to face daily challenges with determination and a spirit of sacrifice. Syria, with its destroyed political and social landscape, may seem a place where the future is uncertain and prospects are scarce, but young people, despite living in physical and emotional ruins, manage to build spaces of hope and give value to the present.”

The path for these youth has been fraught with challenges. The war, which began in 2011, was followed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The earthquake in February 2023 left behind a long trail of destruction. It collapsed houses and left areas with no infrastructure and an economic crisis. Economic difficulties are one of the most serious challenges for young Syrians, who often have to choose between working to contribute to family sustenance or continuing to study. High costs, a lack of job opportunities and an unstable political context make it almost impossible to plan for a peaceful future.

The Salesian noted, **“**Young Syrians show a great capacity for adaptation and an extraordinary desire to get involved. Several of them excel in their studies, despite the precarious conditions in which they find themselves living. Others try to find a way to earn a living. They are finding creative solutions to complex problems, from managing daily life to surviving in extremely difficult conditions. Many of these boys and girls see education as a way to build a better future, and, despite the economic difficulties, they invest every resource to continue their education.”

The Salesian added, “Despite the ambiguity of the future and the uncertainty that surrounds them, young Syrians try to give quality to today’s experience. They know that while they have no control over what happens tomorrow, they can positively influence the present. Through small daily actions — mutual help, study, commitment to work and community — they seek to build a better today for themselves and for others.”



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ANS Syria – Young Syrians: talent, difficulties and hope in a war-torn land

Salesian Missions Syria