Major Highlights
Aleppo Emergency Intervention
As of 20 January 2017, an estimated 121,000 people were reported affected in eastern Aleppo by the November 2016 incident and the skirmishes of the previous months. Of this figure, approximately 50,900 people have sought refuge in west Aleppo and are mainly staying with host families. Some 5,077 people, whose house were fully or partially damaged, continue to stay in Jibreen collective shelter. The rehabilitation of the last industrial halls by partners (i.e. DRC) is still ongoing.
As the security situation becomes relatively calm in east Aleppo, more displaced people are returning or coming to these accessible neighborhoods. From 47,500 in December, there are as of January 20th around 65,300 people in east Aleppo mainly residing in Masaken Hanano neighborhood, often in partially damaged houses. Together with MoLA and the Engineering Office, the sector drafted a quick structural assessment methodology to categorize and map the level of damage of buildings in the affected neighborhoods. The outcome will allow for the sector to better prioritize shelter intervention in targeted neighborhoods. The sector continues to support the advocacy to address housing, land, and property issues, as well as inter-sector collaboration, especially with the Early Recovery and Wash sectors in order to approach neighborhoods rehabilitation with an inclusive response. The sector continues to provide winterization shelter interventions (i.e. provision of stoves, expansion foam and extra heavy-duty plastic sheets) to sub-standard shelters as well as damaged houses in both east and west Aleppo. Access to water and electricity remain one of the pressing concerns of Aleppo’s population, especially IDPs and returnees.
In January, funding through the Syrian Humanitarian Fund has been dedicated to Aleppo and partners have been encouraged to submit project proposals. 2017 Partner’s Reporting Training The sector organized a one-day training with partners on 23rd of January to level -off collective understanding on sectorial reporting rationale and requirements. It also served as a venue to share reporting best practices and lessons learned that formed as a base to standardize sectorial reporting flows. A total of 36 participants representing 15 partner organizations attended the training. At the end of the activity, they were familiarized with the new reporting indicators, which are based on the 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan Results Framework. They also understood the interrelatedness of the reporting system to the overall sector strategic objectives.
Above all, they learned the use of the new 4W (Who-does What-When-Where) template, which is the main reference tool for partners to report their operational presence.