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Syria + 1 more

Syria Protection Cluster (Turkey): Response Snapshot (as of 31 October 2017)



8 Protection Monitoring Task Force members conducted 519 Key Informant interviews in 39 communities covering 15 sub districts, 8 districts, 4 governorates (Aleppo, Homs, Idleb, and Rural Damascus) in October. On 26-27 October, the Cluster conducted a two-day workshop on the Protection of IDPs, attended by 25 participants representing 25 Syrian and international NGOs. At the end of the workshop, participants were able to identify the rights of IDPs and the corresponding obligations that governments and other involved actors have, according to the Framework on Internal Displacement. The workshop was facilitated in Arabic and English, with simultaneous translation. The Cluster also facilitated a half day workshop on the 2018 results framework for the protection sector and protection risk analysis.

The GBV sub cluster participated in the strategic and technical review for the second standard allocation of the Humanitarian Fund. A number of projects with GBV components have passed final review with specific focus on continuity of services and integration of GBV services into existing service delivery points. In the framework of the HRP, GBV SC worked with the protection cluster and Whole of Syria to finalize the HRP framework. As a result, development of the HRP was finalized and partners were consulted and trained on how to develop GBV project sheet for HRP. The GBV sub cluster also launched the GBV prevention task force focusing on prevention and risk mitigation work. The task force developed a work plan and worked to organize activities for 16 days of activism against violence against women. The GBV capacity building initiative is continuing as per plan. A Second self-care training was conducted from 2nd – 4th October with 11 female and 3 male participants. Furthermore, the monthly learning sessions were held for GBV service providers part of the second group of the GBV capacity building initiative, which focused on case discussion methodologies.

CP situation and response monitoring taskforce met on 9-10 October and achieved the following: (i) agreed on the sampling for situation monitoring (ii) finalized indicators for situation monitoring (iii) finalized tools for situation monitoring (iv) review materials for training data collectors. CP sub cluster on 27 October participated in a technical consultation on FTR organized by Turkey – UNHCR, UNICEF, IOM and Turkish Red Crescent. Participants agreed to map and document FTR capacities and procedures as the first step towards Turkey - cross border collaboration.

Risk Education materials continue to be integrated within other clusters and sub-clusters such as NFI, Protection, Food Security and Education. Until October, a total of 90547 Risk Education materials were distributed through local and international NGOs in Aleppo and Idleb.


Limited partners to pilot situation and response toolkit outside Idleb governorate. Difficulty in physical movement of children or adults for reunification purposes across borders or crossline.

Airstrikes may have ceased, but explosive hazards remain. Explosive hazard contamination in Northern Syria remains widespread due to past conflict and poses serious risks to civilians, in particular when on the move, including when they return. Limited access for personnel and equipment still causes difficulties in some mine action activities.


In November, the Cluster will finalize the technical reviews and recommendations for both the second standard 2017 HF allocation and of HRP projects.

The 16 Days of Activism will take place from 25 Nov to 10th Dec with activities in Syria, especially in the WGSS and in Turkey. GBV SC will organize a 10 days training for GBV PSS actors working inside Syria on GBV basics, PSS, SOPs and Case Management.

Training of data collectors and piloting of CP monitoring toolkit. Outline key roles and responsibilities of the FTR technical group and draft key messages for government authorities in Ankara and provincial level.

Advocate for continued presence of Mine Action operators, support to local actors to keep and expand mine action capacity. Strengthened Information Management System; systematized integration of mine action within the response; Advocate for increased access.