GP) In February 2020 , 15 Protection Cluster members provided emergency response services for civilians displaced from Idleb and Aleppo due to the ongoing hostilities . Cluster members provided 46,259 protection interventions to IDPs and affected host community members in 63 communities within 15 sub-districts in Idleb and Aleppo reaching 10,538 individuals (3,160 girls, 2,069 boys, 3,641women, 1,668 men). The main services protection actors provided are as follows i) Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support ii)
Information sharing about other services iii) Child Protection case management including family tracing iv) Dignity kits distribution v) Risk education.
Cluster members also referred individuals to other basic services, notably to health and shelter, and provided Individual Protection Assistance (cash grants for protection purposes).
It should be noted that the above emergency response activities are in addition to activities included in the HRP and monthly reported through the 4Ws.
GBV) During February, GBV SC members were able to provide 8,383 specialized GBV services in 48 communities /neighborhoods across northwest Syria. They were also able to reach 16,260 women, girls, boys and men with GBV prevention and empowerment activities. In addition, 151 GBV and other 48 humanitarian actors were trained on different GBV related topics.
GBV actors continued to distribute dignity kits, reaching 38,881 women and girls of reproductive age since the beginning of December.
In order to effectively respond to the ongoing emergency, the GBV SC coordination team supported 7 members in updating their respective exit plans and ensuring compliance with GBV standards.
The GBV SC finalized a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation toolkit aimed at ensuring GBV M&E processes are conceptualized, executed and utilized in a safe and ethical manner, and serve to inform the design and implementation of quality, effective and impactful GBV programmesin target communities. The toolkit provides a set of essential and context-appropriate tools for monitoring and evaluating GBV interventions. It also encourages the adoption of best practices by all user organizations, as well as donors and Third Party Monitoring agencies.
CP) In February, more than 40 Child protection partners provided regular and emergency response services, Include 483 child protection interventions in 25 sub districts reaching more than 105,303 children and caregivers (44,017 girls, 45,121 boys, 8,701 women and 7,464 men). The main services provided are i) CP Awareness raising activity targeted 51,294 ii) PSS structured and semi-structured activities targeted 49,317 iii) Case management targeted 1,476 iv) Capacity building targeted 325.
GBV) Due to conflict and loss of family members, GBV partners are reporting an increased number of identified cases of unaccompanied girls under 18 and single women who are in need of shelter, health services and family reunification, among other services.
Furthermore, GBV SC partners are reporting difficulties in efficiently and safely utilizing GBV case funds due to some donors are asking for documentation requirements that are not in line with GBV guiding principles.
CP) In Feburary, intensification of hostilities move into the 13th week since commencing on 1 December 2019, intensive aerial and artillery bombardments and ground fighting persist while frontlines continue to shift effecting the shape of intervention and the accessibility, the main concerns, gaps and challenges for child protection were as the following:
i) Children who are displaced are at higher risk of recruitment or use by armed forces and/or groups due to reduced family/community protection and exhaustion of coping mechanisms, as well as the impact of lack of economic and educational opportunities caused by displacement itself ii) Displacement of families severely affects the protection of children and their caregivers. Death of caregivers and unreliable means of transportation are among the causes of cases of unaccompanied and separated children as well as childheaded households iii) Child Protection teams and their families have themselves been displaced, affecting teams’ capacity to respond. Some partners also reported loss of equipment and supplies, affecting their response capacity when moving to new locations iv) Child Protection emergency case management funds continue to be insufficient to meet the urgency and priorities on the ground. This is particularly affecting serious Child Protection cases (including child recruitment, child marriage and child labour) which require additional emergency funds for an effective response and follow up.