• Besides the regular shelter programme, the recent developments including those in Idlib required the Sector to perform emergency response. This is done through dispatch of tents as a first immediate response and through making public structures for temporary hosting of IDPs available. In subsequent phases, the Sector, in collaboration with concerned authorities, will strive to upgrade more sites/structures/facilities to host IDPs, and to develop more durable options for both IDP and host communities.
• Despite tensions in some areas where shelter response is planned, the 2015 shelter programme has started. The implementing partners are in the process of tendering sub-contracted works, hence physical activities on sites are expected to be visible soon.
• The 2015 shelter response planning started beginning of September 2014, and it was conducted as a participatory exercise among relevant authorities, implementing partners, funding agencies, and later within the Whole of Syria (WoS) framework. In this regard, not only has the planning process been more efficient, it also led to a more focused concept for shelter response in Syria.
• A workshop with the participation of line ministry (MoLA) representatives, governorate representatives, implementing partners and other sectors was conducted on 24 February to finalize details and to simultaneously present the 2015 shelter planning to the most relevant stakeholders, as well as to enhance coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders.
• Since the beginning of the year, 1,301,441 individuals have been supported with a total of 5,011,287 NFIs [(20) items per family in average].
• Winterized NFI distribution is hindered due to delays in approvals for the delivery of assistance.
• The Sector is finalizing its 2015 strategic framework, as well as reviewing assistance delivery and monitoring practices.
• NFI sector sub national coordination was rolled out in Tartous and Homs hubs. A sector coordinator was nominated for each hub.