- Violence, crime, and explosive threats persist. An estimated 664,000 people have been newly displaced since late November, primarily from Idleb and Aleppo.
- The overstretched health sector faces severe shortages of supplies, equipment and staff, compounded by looting incidents.
- In 2024, International Medical Corps reached more than 1 million people with healthcare, 165,460 with nutrition support, 110,000 with WASH assistance and nearly 89,000 with MHPSS services while scaling up operations to address conflict-related displacement.
- Since 2008, International Medical Corps has provided critical services across 12 of Syria’s 14 governorates, addressing healthcare, nutrition, mental health, child protection, GBV prevention and WASH needs, with support from 745 direct staff and 1,404 staff from facilities we support.
- Since late November, International Medical Corps has provided 8,773 health consultations, including 1,309 focused on sexual and reproductive health, and distributed more than 258,236 medications.
- International Medical Corps is strengthening primary healthcare centers and hospitals by supplying medications, medical equipment, laboratory resources, furniture, fuel, oxygen and IT infrastructure to improve diagnostic capabilities and patient management.
- International Medical Corps is operating 21 mobile medical units that offer primary healthcare.
- International Medical Corps is distributing 1,200 hygiene kits, 800 mini dignity kits, 2,500 winterization items for both adults and children, and 150 ovens or alternative heating sources for households.