The submission deadline has been extended to 24 October following the escalation of hostilities in North-West Syria on 5 October, that caused disruption of activities on the ground, and in response to several requests from partners, Advisory Board members and other relevant stakeholders
The devastating earthquakes at the beginning of the year, combined with the ongoing protracted conflict, have impacted millions of Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance for their survival. With the onset of winter, their needs and protection risks are expected to increase, at a time when funding is declining, and the Syria Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is 72 percent underfunded. With this 2023 First Standard Allocation (SA1, 2023), the Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator (DRHC), in consultation with the Advisory Board and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), makes available an estimated US$ 25 million under two strategic envelopes:
Envelope 1: Mitigating the impact of winter on at-risk communities worst impacted by hostilities and in frontline areas, encompassing a multisectoral, protection-driven approach, promoting resilience in northwest Syria (indicative amount US$ 19.4 million).
Envelope 2: Increasing the resilience of affected communities by ensuring access to basic services through integrated multisectoral programming (indicative amount US$ 5.6 million).
This Standard Allocation will provide targeted multi-sectoral support to IDPs, returnees, and other conflict-affected people at risk of eviction after the earthquake, residing in areas directly impacted by the earthquake and ongoing hostilities. The allocation aims to protect the population in need from foreseeable risks associated with the upcoming winter, including risks related to heavy rainfall, widespread flooding, harsh low temperatures, and conflict-related risks and displacement. In addition, funding will be provided to increase the resilience of affected communities by ensuring access to basic services through integrated multisectoral activities. The allocation prioritizes persons with disabilities, older persons, vulnerable women and children, and those most at risk, in areas with a high concentration of IDPs, areas severely impacted by winter conditions and flooding every year, and areas close to the frontlines. This allocation follows the series of Reserve Allocations launched during 2023, which provided US$106 million, enabling humanitarian partners to rapidly respond to the earthquake during the first part of the year. It also builds synergies with the CERF Allocation for Underfunded Emergencies. The allocation aligns with SCHF’s commitment to advance localization and promote participation and capacity strengthening of local and national partners, organizations of persons with disabilities, and women-led and women’s rights organizations with access to hard-to-reach locations and the ability to deliver principled and context-sensitive assistance. In addition, the allocation will promote cross-cutting priorities, including gender and age considerations, disability inclusion, protection mainstreaming, and accountability to affected people in all partner programming. This allocation continues to spearhead the strategic use of unconditional and unrestricted Multipurpose Cash (MPC).
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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