In 2022, the Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) allocated US$ 141 million with the support of from 14 donors. Despite declining contributions, a total of US$ 118 million (a 23 per cent decrease from 2021) was received during 2022 with the SCHF successfully utilising all available resources including carry over funds from the previous year. The Fund continues to play a pivotal role in supporting the intersectoral response to north-west Syria at a time where humanitarian needs are at an all-time high amidst deteriorating economic situations. This was further complicated by challenges tied to a six-month extension of a Security Council resolution. Two standard (SA) and one reserve allocations (RA1) were launched in 2022 to provide critical resources to eligible partners to address urgent needs, particularly focusing on providing dignified living conditions through integrated Shelter, Wash and Early Recovery solutions (SA1); strengthening emergency preparedness to winter, in accordance with the six-month mandate of the UNSCR 2642 (RA1); and further ensuring access to equitable lifesaving integrated services guided by the ICCG-approved Winterization, Widows’ camps, and Cholera Response plans (SA2). In 2023, the Fund will align its future allocation strategies adapting its way of working according to future UNSC resolution, prioritizing flexible interventions able to deliver in the short term, while remaining strategic and committed to supporting the strategic objectives and priorities set out in the Humanitarian Response Plan.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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