Allocation Overview
The SCHF second Standard Allocation (SA2) launched by the Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator (DRHC) in consultation with the SCHF Advisory Board (AB), presented to the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG), aims to set the SCHF funding priorities to address key life-saving humanitarian assistance in underserved areas in northwest Syria (NWS).
An estimated US$ 50 million is available under this allocation. The strategy outlines the allocation’s strategic direction and priorities, the rationale for the prioritization, and a timeline and procedure for the allocation process.
The allocation is aligned with and will contribute to the first and third strategic objectives referred to in the 2021 Needs and Response Strategy :
SO 1. Provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people with an emphasis on those in areas with high severity of needs.
SO 3. Increase the resilience of affected communities and early recovery by improving access to livelihood opportunities and basic services, especially among the most vulnerable households and communities.
The allocation is structured around two strategic objectives, focusing on two envelopes, which include2 :
Envelope 1: Provide life-saving humanitarian assistance in 24 underserved and frontline areas through the provision of COVID-19 response, WASH services and Shelter and NFI activities (indicative amount US$ 30M)
Envelope 2: Increase the resilience of affected communities and early recovery by improving access to livelihood opportunities and basic services, through integrated activities in selected areas of NWS (indicative amount US$ 20M)
Seasonality and timing of the prioritized activities will dictate the duration of the interventions. Within the estimated U$ 50 million, this allocation seeks to support multi-cluster programming where possible, with project duration of up to 12 months and complying with the requirements outlined in this strategy paper.
Proposals focusing on front-line and SCHF-underfunded locations, and IDP camps/sites that are in particularly poor condition, will be prioritized during project proposal review and selection. The DRHC would like to ensure via SCHF funding that all districts, especially those which have received less humanitarian assistance from 2021 allocations.
SA2 will support those people living in districts close to the frontline areas, which face high security risks in addition to the mounting humanitarian needs. The COVID-19 specific objective will also contribute to the Global COVID-19 HRP (available here) launched in 2020.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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