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Syria + 3 more

Syria Crisis Response Update (Issue 74) , 10 – 27 April 2014


Biweekly Update for UNRWA Donors

More than half a million Palestine refugees are affected directly by the conflict in Syria. The UNRWA response to the crisis aims to maintain access to UNRWA services and preserve refugees’ resilience through targeted relief. For a more detailed overview, see the Agency’s 2014 regional response plan.

This biweekly update covers UNRWA efforts from 10 to 27 April.


UNRWA issued a statement strongly condemning the recent killing of three Palestine refugee children in Syria. On 18 April, 11-year-old Qusay Shuraieh sustained serious injuries to his head when a car bomb detonated. His family found refuge in Homs camp after being displaced first from Ein el Tal camp, in April 2013, and then from Aleppo, in February. On 22 April, Malek Turani, also 11, was caught in an explosion as he walked home from school. On 10 March, 7-year-old Nureiddin Al-Khalili was struck by a stray bullet, also as he was walking home from school. Our thoughts are with the families of Nureiddin, Qusay and Malek during this sorrowful time.

UNRWA distributed food parcels to 1,662 civilian families in Yarmouk from 24 (pictured above) to 27 April, following 15 days of suspended access due to conflict. The large crowds of desperate civilians at the distribution area underlined the plight of approximately 18,000 civilians trapped in Yarmouk. Critical humanitarian cases were also allowed to leave the camp for treatment at a hospital. Over the previous month, clashes had repeatedly disrupted efforts to alleviate the humanitarian situation. UNRWA maintains a constant state of readiness to deliver food and other supplies to Yarmouk and is prepared to proceed once authorization and support are given.

UNRWA has completed its first round of cash assistance in Syria, providing 91,437 families (91.4 per cent of the families targeted) with a total of US$ 23,044,186. The distribution began on 1 March and continued until 25 April. For more information on cash distributions, see the in depth look at the end of this report.