Inside Syria UNICEF has supported 7.9 million people to access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation services, of these people 2.6 million resided in hard to reach locations. In response to winter, increasing fuel prices and poorly insulated IDP shelters, UNICEF has so far reached 401,000 children with winter kits, blankets and school heating supplies. Of children reached with winter and summer materials in 2015 113,000 live in hard to reach areas.
In the 3RP countries UNICEF country oces continue to support vulnerable families with cash assistance, in Jordan 56,215 families have been reached and in Turkey 19,000 households were supported with cash or in-kind assistance. In Lebanon UNICEF is supporting over 390,000 vulnerable children through child cash transfers, school heating and winter clothing kits. In Iraq 50,000 vulnerable children will receive winter clothing.