Recent developments have raised concerns about the safety of NGOs operating in Aleppo. Some Telegram groups have shared the locations of NGO activities, using threatening language that could endanger both staff and beneficiaries. These incidents highlight the importance of maintaining vigilance and strict adherence to safety protocols to protect humanitarian efforts and those involved.
Situation Overview
Hostilities in northwest Syria have intensified for the fifth consecutive day, heavily affecting Aleppo and Idlib. Clashes and shelling have caused widespread displacement, disrupted daily life, and limited access to critical services.
In Aleppo, essential services, including hospital admissions, water supply, and bakery operations, have been suspended in many areas. Civilians are relocating in search of safety. The closure of the Khanaser- Atharaya road, a key route for internally displaced persons (IDPs), has further complicated movement and access to aid.
In Idlib, families continue to leave conflict-affected areas, with many experiencing multiple displacements. Access to healthcare, food, and other essential services remains challenging for those staying behind or seeking refuge in temporary shelters.