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Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (S/2018/1088) [EN/AR]


I. Introduction

  1. The present report provides an account of the activities of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) for the period from 15 September 2018 to 20 November 2018, pursuant to the mandate set out in Security Council resolution 350 (1974) and extended in subsequent Council resolutions, most recently resolution 2426 (2018).

II. Situation in the area of operations and activities of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

  1. During the reporting period, the ceasefire between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic was maintained notwithstanding a number of violations of the Agreement on Disengagement between Israeli and Syrian Forces (Disengagement of Forces Agreement) of 1974, which are set out below. Following the cessation of conflict and the regaining of control in August 2018 by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic of parts of the areas of separation and limitation on the Bravo side that had previously been under the control of various non-State armed groups, the security situation in the UNDOF area of operation remained calm. There was a low level of military activity owing to controlled detonations of explosive ordnance as part of clearance of remnants of war conducted by Syrian security forces. UNDOF personnel also heard single shots from small arms in the areas of separation and limitation on the Bravo side on a daily basis. As underscored again by the Security Co uncil in its resolution 2426 (2018), there should be no military activity of any kind in the area of operations.

  2. In employing its best efforts to maintain the ceasefire and see that it is scrupulously observed, as prescribed in the Disengagement of Forces Agreement, UNDOF reports all breaches of the ceasefire line that it observes. All incidents of firing into the area of separation and across the ceasefire line, as well as the crossing of the ceasefire line by individuals, are violations of the Agreement. In its regular interaction with both sides, the leadership of UNDOF continued to call upon both parties to exercise restraint and prevent any miscalculation that might lead to an escalation of the situation.