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Syria + 5 more

Regional: RRP6 Monthly Update - October 2014 (WASH)



Strategic planning and preparations for potential winter flooding is underway in Lebanon. Across the governorates, data are being collected on at‐risk areas for flooding and mitigation measures are being prepared. In the coming weeks, planning sessions and workshops will be held to map out at‐risk areas and develop appropriate measures. Meanwhile in known risk locations, such as Borj El Arab, septic tanks are being de‐sludged, site drainage is being improved and local channels are being unblocked/de‐silted.
In Akkar, construction of two main supply lines in Akroum and Machta Hassan are 90 per cent completed. Additionally, some 1,484 refugees received WASH services in collective shelters. In the Kfartoun and Akroum area, 299 small/substandard shelter units are nearing completion of WASH services as part of the shelter rehab.

In the south of Lebanon, a KAP survey was completed, which found that hygiene promotion had been having positive impacts in the area. The survey found that a notable increase in hand‐washing has occurred as well as an increase from 0‐74 per cent in HH level water treatment.

In Iraq, the WASH sector has started to implement winterization activities with the installation and rehabilitation of solar‐powered water heating systems. The sector partners are also working on maintenance and drainage of grey and rainwater that becomes a problem during winter.

In Jordan's Zaatari camp, the drilling of borehole 3 is now complete to a depth of 500 metres, while the disinfecting of public water tanks is underway. In Azraq camp, 160 ceramic toilet seats have been installed in latrines to improve hygiene and reduce smell. Global Hand washing Day was celebrated on 15 October.