The Northwest Syria Winterization and Floods Preparedness and Response plan describes strategies to assist 1.4 million individuals in need.
To achieve this goal through 23 activities across 6 clusters, an estimated $111.6 million was required. As of Dec 31, 2024, partners have secured only 20 percent of the necessary funding. Despite this funding shortfall impeding efforts to expand lifesaving and preparedness services on the anticipated scale, the available resources have successfully reached 0.8 million people (58 percent of the targets) through critical activities.
These key activities include the provision of heaters and fuel for heating, distribution of core and essential Non-Food Items (NFIs), supplying children with school winter clothes, enhancing WASH services, strengthening infrastructure in IDP sites, emergency repair of essential public infrastructure like roads, flood prevention rehabilitation works for basic infrastructures, and minor rehabilitation of learning facilities. Additionally, dedicated capacity-building for service providers and awareness-raising activities have been conducted.
This report offers a concise progress update against the plan.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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