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Northern Syria Market Monitoring Exercise, March 2015



To understand the functioning of markets in Northern Syria and how they cope with the challenges brought by the conflict, REACH and the Cash Based Responses Technical Working Group (CBR–TWG) conduct monthly monitoring of key markets. In each market, the field teams identified traders and retailers of key food and non-food items, whose prices and stock levels are monitored on a monthly basis. Data collectors also monitored the prices of several types of fuel to understand the availability and pricing of different fuel types.

Basic commodities were identified based on what is typically available, sold and used by an average Syrian household. Many of these items are components of a Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB), detailed in the table to the right, which outlines the minimum culturally-adjusted items for survival for a six person household, for a one month period.

This report provides an overview of the range and median prices of key food and non-food items across the areas assessed. In order to illustrate the variation across the assessed area, REACH used the data collected to map the price of an SMEB in each sub-district. The cleaned data-sets of all information collected are available on the REACH Resource Centre.