Artillery shelling occurred on most days in May. There was an increase in airstrikes towards the end of the month. OHCHR said that a child was killed in an airstrike.
Five civilians were killed in shooting incidents in May, including a child, and at least seven more civilians were injured, including a woman and four children.
HNAP recorded 9,852 new displacements of people in May, primarily due to the deterioration of the economic situation. This is the highest since December 2021.
COVID-19 cases continued to decrease in May. 51 new cases and 10 associated deaths were recorded during the month, compared to more than 284 cases in April.
1039 trucks have crossed from the Bab-Al-Hawa crossing-point in May with consignments of food, shelter, health supplies, and other aid, to reach people in need in north-west Syria.
4.4M Population in north-west Syria
4.1M People in need in north-west Syria
3.1M Food insecure people
2.8M Internally displaced people (IDPs)
1.7M IDPs living in camps
This Situation Report covers developments in north-west Syria and Ras Al Ain – Tell Abiad. OCHA Türkiye prepares this report with the support of Cluster Coordinators and the Humanitarian Field Officers (HFO). The data/information collected come from both sources.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.