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North-West Syria: Situation Report (20 Jun 2022) [EN/AR]



  • Artillery shelling occurred on most days in May. There was an increase in airstrikes towards the end of the month. OHCHR said that a child was killed in an airstrike.

  • Five civilians were killed in shooting incidents in May, including a child, and at least seven more civilians were injured, including a woman and four children.

  • HNAP recorded 9,852 new displacements of people in May, primarily due to the deterioration of the economic situation. This is the highest since December 2021.

  • COVID-19 cases continued to decrease in May. 51 new cases and 10 associated deaths were recorded during the month, compared to more than 284 cases in April.

  • 1039 trucks have crossed from the Bab-Al-Hawa crossing-point in May with consignments of food, shelter, health supplies, and other aid, to reach people in need in north-west Syria.


4.4M Population in north-west Syria

4.1M People in need in north-west Syria

3.1M Food insecure people

2.8M Internally displaced people (IDPs)

1.7M IDPs living in camps


This Situation Report covers developments in north-west Syria and Ras Al Ain – Tell Abiad. OCHA Türkiye prepares this report with the support of Cluster Coordinators and the Humanitarian Field Officers (HFO). The data/information collected come from both sources.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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