SNHR documented no less than 35 massacres in March 2015 committed-by as follows:
Government forces: 32 Massacres
Extremist groups:
ISIS: 2 Massacres
Armed opposition factions: 1 Massacre
SNHR use “massacre” as a description to incidents where 5 innocent individuals are killed at the same time, for more information about our methodology in victims documen- tation please visit the Link.
The massacres were committed-in as follows:
Idlib 10, Rural Damascus 9, Daraa 6, Aleppo 4, Deir Az- Zour 3, Homs 1, Hasakah 1, Hama 1.
According to SNHR documentation these massacres have killed 479 victims including 131 children and 77 women, which means that 43 % of the victims are women and chil- dren and this is a very high percentage and it is an indica- tion that most of this massacres were committed against civilians.
The death toll of the massacres’ victims as to who killed them is the following:
Government forces: 340 individuals including 102 chil- dren and 49 women
Extremist groups: - ISIS: 122 individuals including 24 children and 26 women
Armed opposition: 17 individuals including 5 children and 2 women