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NES NGO Forum: A Managed Transition - Key Asks and Requirements from the Humanitarian Community on a Managed Transition of Coordination in NES (13 January 2025)


NESF has been working to outline a series of Key Asks from the UN in order to facilitate a Managed Transition from the current NGO-led coordination model in the Northeast of Syria, to a more standardized IASC model.

As we face the coming months of discussions on coordination transition, it is imperative that we prioritize the uninterrupted delivery of principled humanitarian assistance. Since the events of December NESF have been working with all of our membership, host organizations, ISWG coordinators, access and advocacy colleagues in order to keep this primary objective of uninterrupted delivery of lifesaving assistance forefront amidst challenging conditions, both practically and politically. While we understand the next steps may take time, it is important we work safely and concertedly towards the most responsive, inclusive and efficient approach possible for the people we serve.

'A Managed Transition; Key Asks and Requirements from the Humanitarian Community on a Managed Transition of Coordination in NES'.