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Labour market assessment for Raqqa – northeast Syria (4 February 2019)


Executive Summary

A. Introduction

The U.S. State Department Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA) tasked Injaz with conducting a Rapid Labour Market Study in June 2018 to identify potential livelihoods and employment opportunities for residents of five regions in north-eastern Syria. The purpose of the study is to help identify economic sectors and occupations that are in demand and related products and/or services that are in short supply in order to determine which livelihoods and vocational training interventions could be introduced to address the current needs of the target communities. The provision of demand-driven livelihoods and vocational training interventions would equip the local populations with skill sets that will allow them to produce products and/or offer services that are in high demand and limited supply. A team of enumerators from numerous community-based organizations (CBOs) across the five regions conducted 50 focus group meetings and 345 individual interviews with representatives from four different stakeholder groups to determine which products and/or services were in high demand but currently non-existent or in limited supply within the local communities. The study was conducted across the different geographical regions - Raqqa City Centre, Raqqa Northern Countryside, Raqqa Western Countryside, Ain Aiesa Area, and Tabqa Area - during a two-week period of time in July and August 2018.