Italian Development Cooperation has decided to take immediate action to bring relief to the Palestinian population, victims of attacks by Da’esh and other Jihadist militias, in the Yarmouk camp on the outskirts of Damascus. The humanitarian plan envisages 1.5 million euros: 500,000 euros to support the activities of UNICEF and 1 million euros for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).
The Italian contribution will enable UNICEF to provide psychological assistance and humanitarian support for the approximately 3,500 Palestinian children in the camp, and the families fleeing Yarmouk (currently, about 2,000 people). Living and security conditions for these people on the outskirts of Damascus are extremely precarious.
With the Italian funding, UNRWA will be able to finance food and drinking water distribution operations and provide health assistance for the population of the camp – about 18,000 people – as soon as humanitarian access is possible.
The two projects are part of the broader package of humanitarian aid for the Syrian crisis announced by Italy during the Donors’ Conference in Kuwait City on 31 March 2015. They bring total funding pledged by Italy for humanitarian activities for the population in Syria and the refugees in neighbouring countries since the beginning of the conflict to over 66 million.